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Evening read. This day the hottest yet

Friday, Aug. 7/96
Morning hotter. Go to S.I. see Benjamin about proofs. Work over fossils. Home evening read.

Saturday, Aug. 8
Morning still very warm. Go to S.I. work over mail & fossils. Home evening read.

Sunday Aug. 9
Morning hottest day yet. After breakfast take trolley out to Cabin John, but find it a hot ride. Afternoon and evening very uncomfortable. At home.

Monday, Aug. 10
Still warm. Go to Penna. R.R. office, Geol. Survey, and S.I. Work over mail and fossils. Home, evening cooler, turn in early and get a very fair night's rest. the first for sometime.

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to S.I. read proof. Go over to see Rathbun then back to S.I. work on Shepard shells. Home, evening go over with Mrs. Kennan who reads about Russia to the Wellesley Association.

Thursday Mar. 28/95
Morning windy fair. Ges. Kennan comes in for a short call. Go to S.I. work on proofs and Shepard's shells. Home, evening Dr. & Mrs. Boas call, read.

Friday, Mar. 29th
Morning fair. Go to bank and office, see Becker & Walcott, then to S.I. work on Shepard shells. Home  Mrs Kennan with us. goes out to Sandy Spring. Ges arrives later, evening Mr. Cross [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] calls.

Saturday Mar 30
Morning dull, raw. Go to Fish Commission and interview Gill about Albatross then to S.I. finish Miss Shepard's shells. Purinton comes in