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and drive home with Baker and Winston. Evening read.

Sunday June 28/96
Day warm, showery. Spend day putting up pictures in den, reading etc. 

Monday, June 29
Morning warm fair. Go to Boston store & get box. Then to S.I. attend to mail. Work over alcoholics and Baur. Home, evening call on the Rathbuns

Tuesday, June 30
Morning, fair, fine. Go to the Doctor's then to office. Wiedeman's & S.I. work over mail on Baur &c  Home, evening read.

Wednesday, July 1
Morning, see Scott, go to bank, then to Wardeman's, Boston Store, Gas office and S.I. Attend to mail, work over Baur Report. See about Report Mus. Home, evening read.

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and see about charts and cases. Get them straightened out and then after lunching with Baker go to S.I. Work on mail and routine matters. Home, evening read. later go to get Nettie at the Rathbun girls whist party.

Tuesday, Apr. 30th
Morning. Go to Survey and work over sundries, then go to S.I. send out Wagner Inst. III. pt. 3, work over mail, go over Simpson's Ms. with him. Home, evening feel very tired but dont sleep well. Draw pay.

Wednesday, [[strikethrough]] Apr. [[/strikethrough]] May 1
Morning go to Treasury, Tokalon, and office. Try to find camp boxes without success, pay gas bill and over to S.I. Work over mail, clearing up offices & packing private papers. Home, evening, Mrs. Kennan & Stanley Brown dine with us.