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______________Saturday, June 6/96_____________
Morning, Nettie & the children go on a picnic. I go to S.I. work over mail & Bowden fossils. Home, evening warmer.
______________Sunday, June 7th________________
Morning, warm & sultry later rainy. Attend to repairs and read. Turn in early.
______________Monday, June 8_________________
Morning, go to dentists, Treasury RR, office, Survey where I see Purington, Diller & Gill, then to S.I. work over mail, get cards for Marcus, then attend to files & work on fossils. Home, showery Evening Nettie & Miss Castle go out.
______________Tuesday, June 9_________________
Morning cloudy. Go to S.I. work over mail. Bernard's shells and Bowden fossils. Later rains. See Goode Home, evening call at the Pillings and on Mrs. Comstock.

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_______________Monday May 20/95_______________
On train
_______________Tuesday May 21_________________
Rains. Arrive at Tacoma 2.15 P.M. Go to Tacoma Hotel. Go about with Becker to get outfit
_______________Wednesday May 22_______________
Finish outfitting. Make up accounts. P.M. take cab and go aboard steamer to sleep.
_______________Thursday May 23________________
Morning, don't get away until 10 A.M. Have a beautiful day and fine view of Mt. Rainier. Stop at Seattle. See Randolph. P.B. Weare and Col. Healy. Leave about 7 P.M.
________________Friday May 24_________________
Morning at Port Townsend. Later Leave and touch at Victoria where I see Dr. Newcomb. Leave about 1.30 and stop at Departure Bay for coal. Rains
________________Saturday May 25_______________
Morning fair. Pass Seymour Narrows