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go to Cosmos Club, but Thompson doesn't get round.
Wednesday June 3/96
Morning fine. Go to dentist then to Treasury & S.I. Work over mail and Bowden fossils. Home Evening Miss Castle & the Stephens' call
Thursday, June 4
Morning rainy. Go to S.I. Put up slides for E.L. Mark. Work on Bowden fossils. Home, evening read
Friday, June 5
Morning cloudy. Go to the Rathbun's, Dr. Bromwells, barber, office of Geogr. Soc. Survey, Opticians, pipe man, and S.I. Work over mail etc. Home early, Go out to Mr. Hubbard's to meeting of the Board of Managers. Take Nettie, Home about 9 P.M.

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and run along north side of Vancouver Id most of the day.  Cross 2. Charlotte Sd. in evening.
Sunday May 26th 95
Morning fair. Most of day in Grenville Channel. Evening touch at Port Simpson where Mr. Young compares his chronometers. 
Monday, May 27
Morning, touch at Aunette Id. go ashore and see Mr. Duncan & his village of New Metlakatla. Later in the day at Tongass Narrows and Loring, Naha Bay and reach Wrangell, late in the evening.
Tuesday, May 28
Get up at 3 A.M. to see the pass through Wrangell Narrows and a few glaciers. Get to Juneau in the P.M. Go to the courthouse and see Recorder Mellen about coal locations. Get a few photographs