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Thursday, May 21/96
Morning cloudy, cool. Go to the S.I. work over mail, routine work & plates. Home, evening read.
Friday, May 22nd
Morning cloudy, sultry. Go to S.I. telegraph to Emily. Work over Lang, and plates, [[Purington?]] comes over. Home, evening read. rains

Saturday, May 23
Morning showery. Go to Dr. Bromwell and then to shoe store & S.I. work over Guppy plates. Home evening, rains hard and do not go out
Sunday, May 24
Morning cloudy, sultry. In P.M. Go out with Nettie & call on Mrs. Aldrich, and Mrs. Becker. In evening Mr. Turner calls.
Monday May 25
Morning cloudy cool. Go to S.I. Work over Guppy all day. Home, evening rains.

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Tuesday, June 4/95
Morning rainy. Go ashore with Becker and look over the town and go out to Indian river. Back to the ship at 1 P.M. write notes for Garrison and letter to Nettie.
Wednesday June 5
Morning fine. Take launch with Dr. B. to the foot of Edgecombe. Ascend a stream and inspect the rocks in its bed and also along the sea shore. Purington goes to Millmores mines and gets back late.
Thursday, June 6
Morning very fine. B. & P. go to Hot Springs. Stay behind to attend to sundries. Go ashore and enquire about coal, get tents off  Back to lunch, post letters, go to see the Museum & Mr. Frobese, then aboard again Dine in the washroom ^[[with]] Mrs. Hetherington & Capt. Couden. Evening getting ready for sea
Friday June 7
Morning foggy & rainy. The Pinta leaves Sitka for Killisnoo about 7 P.M.