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& his daughter dine & spend the evening.
_____________Saturday, Apr. 25/96_______________
Morning cloudy. Go to Boston store and get collars then to S.I. work on routine matters, Mearns report & C. Home, evening read.
_____________Sunday, Apr. 26th__________________
Morning, see Dr. Bromwell. call on Miss Litchfield, mother, Rathbun then home. P.M. read.
_____________Monday, Apr.27_______________________
Morning cloudy- Go to  S.I. work over routine matters. Eldridge's fossils, and [[underline]] Neritina [[underline]]. Home, evening go over to Stanley Browns and find them out. Whist club meets at our house.
______________Tuesday Apr. 28____________________
Morning, go to S.I. and work over fossils and Zittell. Home, evening read.
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______________Saturday, June 22/95________________
Morning cloudy, wet. Run down from the harbor to Funter's Bay. where we arrive about noon. Go ashore and find Dick Willoughby and look at mines. Go out about 4 P.M. touching a rock as we pass, not on the chart.
_______________Sunday June 23____________________
Go through Peril Strait, arrive in Sitka about 4 P.M. Get two letters from Nettie & some enclosures.
______________Monday, June 24____________________
Morning cloudy, Go ashore and take Dr. Becker to the museum. Back to lunch. P.M. go out to Old Harbor and look at some prospects there return by 4.15 Evening read.
_______________Tuesday, June 25__________________
Morning fine. P. goes fishing with the Captain. B. geologizing. I stay aboard and work on reports etc. pack fossils. The Dora comes in in P.M. and leaves for Juneau a