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Home, evening go to meeting of the Joint Commission at Cosmos Club.

Thursday Feb. 20/96
Morning cold, raw. Go to office & see Diller &c. then to S.I. work over type cards & fossils. Home, evening Dr. Becker & his mother. Miss Carrie Henry & Miss Riddle dine with us. Stanley Brown comes in in evening

Friday, Feb. 21st
Morning fair, cool. See Hayden go to bank. Survey, call on Hyde & go to S.I. work on type cards & routine matters.

Saturday, Feb 22
Morning fine. Work over note on Jeannette relics, at home until lunch then go to S.I. for mail etc. then home again, evening to meeting of the Biological Society.

Sunday, Feb. 23rd
Morning fair warm. Go to

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Hague and B. & P. go over the mine while Mr. Barstow takes me over the works. Lunch with them and meet Mr. Vincent, engineer. Return by the steam launch about 4 P.M. and move the Kodat into the lagoon for the night. Blows hard in squalls from the southward.

Wedensday, Aug. 7/95
Morning still fresh, the wind still strong but more westerly. Dr. B & P. go up to the mine again. I stay aboard & read papers and attend to sundry notes. They return about 4 P.M. and we sail for Coal Harbor, anchoring behind Round Id. about 7.30. The Tibby Bros & Mr Nelson board us.

Thursday, Aug. 8th
Morning cloudy. Go over to the coal mine which we examine. Leave the bay about 11 A.M. and examine volcanic rocks near