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Thursday, Feb. 13/96
Morning rains hard, go to S.i. work over fossils and clearing up a lot of odds & ends. Home, evening feel very tires and retire early. 

Friday Feb. 14th
Morning fair cooler. Go to Beveridge's with Nettie and then to S.I. work over mail, fossils, Newcombes shells &c. Home, evening. Covilles & David Whites call.

Saturday, Feb. 15
Morning, throat very sore, go to Dr. Richardson & have it painted. Later to Dr. Bromwell's & then to see Hayden about lecture, then to office see Prof. Marsh, Walcott, [[Emmons?]], Willis, & Diller. Then to S.I. Sun Reporter calls. Go over to F. Com. building to see about slides. Return and attend to routine matters. Home, evening go to Phil. Soc Read paper & later go to the Bells reception

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Get through and anchor in Dutch Harbor, Unalashka about 7 P.M. The Pheasant & Rush and a collier are in port. Are cordially rec'd by Messrs Nice & Baldwin and go up to the Co's house where we find comfortable accommodations. Later go off to the Rush where on the statement made by Capt. Hooper Dr. B. decides to give up the trip to Herendeen Bay. Return to shore to wait for the Bertha on which we shall sail for San Francisco. Cold & foggy. 

Sunday, Aug. 11/95
Morning calm, cloudy. Write letters and post up notes. The steamer Cutting comes in also the cutter Perry. Meet Capt. Smith, Mr. Greenfield, Capt. Thomas &c. 

Monday, Aug. 12th
Morning cloudy, cold. Dr. Becker arranges to go over to Bogosloff with