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Sunday, Feb. 9/96
Morning, cloudy raw. Go over to mother's and back. P.M. Write on geographic paper and read Sonya Kovaleffsky's life.

Monday, Fed. 10 
Morning, fair. Go to S.I. Attend to mail and routine work work on fossils. Home, evening go to club monthly meeting.

Tuesday, Feb. 11
Morning, work on geographic paper then to S.I. work over mail and on Diller's fossils. Finish report and mail it. Prof. W.B. Clark comes in. Home, evening work on hydrographic notes.

Wednesday, Feb. 12
Morning, Go to S.I. fix up paper for Fittmann and send it up by Burns. Marshall closing up his affairs. bids me goodbye. Home evening go to Prof. Bolton's card party with Nettie
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the Cutting.  Get ready and start about 2 P.M. Go round to Makushin Harbor but find on arrival about 8 P.M. that the natives are unwilling to go over to the volcano, for which we presently start.

Tuesday, Aug 13/95
Morning, off Bogosloff. Dr. B. Mr. P. Greenfield and others go ashore. I remain on the ship, make sketches and take bearings. They first visit the Grewingk and later the Bogosloff islet. About 1 P.M. they come aboard and we then start for Dutch Harbor arriving about 11 P.M. The Perry is still in port. The Excelsior seen by us Monday, has been + gone, with the mail. The wind fresh from the westward all day, lighter in the evening.

Wednesday, Aug 14
Morning, see Capt Smith of the Perry on whom we call. After lunch the