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Saturday, Feb. 1/96
Morning cloudy. Go to office and Treasury, then to S.I.  Work over mail and fossils. Home, evening go to meeting of Phil. Society.
Sunday, Feb 2
Morning go to see mother and lunch with the Rathbuns. P.M. call with Nettie on Mrs. Kidder and Mrs. Garfield. Evening rainy and read.
Monday, Feb. 3
Morning go to Miss Hale's & the Imp. Library, then to S.I. Attend to mail, work on fossils. Miss Jane Turner died at 2 A.M. this day. Home. Evening read, work, and go to the Ward's for Nettie.
Tuesday, Feb. 4
Morning go to binders & S.I.  Work over mail and fossils. Home, evening write on geography.

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Saturday, Aug 17/95
Morning cloudy, calm.  Dr. Becker goes over to the bluffs north of Summer Bay.  Take a walk in P.M.  Read.
Sunday, Aug. 18th
Morning rain, later cloudy light airs  Read, go out for a walk, write on Nation Ms.  About 4P.M. the Bertha comes in, Corwin and Albatross sail.  Stanley Brown comes ashore.
Monday, Aug. 19th
Morning dull, windy.  Mr. Tuck comes over.  Cutter Grant sails about 11 A.M.  Have a swell dinner with Capt. Garforth Stanley Brown, Redpath, Capt. Nice and Mr. Baldwin at Co's. house.  Get luggage ready for sailing
Tuesday, Aug 20th
Rise at 5.30 have an early breakfast & leave Dutch Harbor on the Bertha at 7 A.M. bound for San Francisco.  Weather foggy, wind light.  Go through the Unalga Pass.