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Wednesday, Dec. 25/95
The whole family gather for a Christmas reunion. P.M. go over to S.I. and look at mail.
Thursday Dec. 26
At S.I. attending to routine matters, name up Spencer's fossils. Home evening work over proofs &c.
Friday Dec. 27
Go over to Philadelphia to attend the meeting of the associated societies.  Go to Colonnade Hotel leave card for Willcox, attend dinner at Lafayette Hotel.
Saturday Dec. 28
Morning go and see Willcox then to the Academy, lunch with Pilsbry and take 4.41 train for home. Evening read
Sunday Dec 29
Morning go to see Doctor and mother, write letters at home

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Wednesday, Oct. 9/95
Morning, write up notes go to bank & Survey, segregate coal & fossils, call at Given's & gas office then to S.I.  Spencer calls.  Work over accounts.  Home, evening, go over to see mother.  Later work on accounts
Thursday, Oct. 10
Morning, go to office and fix up vouchers then to S.I. and work at proofs and unpacking fossils also over mail.  Home, evening read proof and write letters.
Friday, Oct. 11
Morning fair.  Read proof, go to market and S.I.  Get Stanton & Knowlton over to see fossils.  Work over mail but am so interrupted that I get little done.  Home, Becker calls, evening work on signs, read &c.
Saturday, Oct. 12
Morning showery. Go to Mertz, Moses and S.I. work over routine matters