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Thursday, Dec 5 / 95
Morning cold, fair. Go to S.I. and work over maps. Clear off bookshelves. Home, evening. Mr. Purington calls.

Friday, Dec. 6
Morning cold, fair. Go to Insurance office & S.I. work over mail and routine work. Home, evening deliver Presidential address, as retiring President of the Philosophical Society at the hall of the Columbian University, to a good audience.

Saturday Dec. 7
Morning cloudy. Go to bank and Geol. Survey, See Darwin & Baker, then to S.I. attend to mail and routine work. Home evening raw & rainy, read at home.

Sunday, Dec. 8
Morning cloudy. Go to the doctors and then to mother's then take her to our home to lunch.

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Sunday Oct. 27, 95
Morning, go over to see Dr. Bromwell, then to mother, then home P.M. Stay at home & read, not feeling very well.

Monday, Oct. 28
Morning go over to see the Dr. but don't find him nor Becker for whom I call at hotel & office, buy a pair of trousers go to tailor's & S.I. work over mail and talk of formations Home, evening read.

Tuesday, Oct. 29
Morning fair, cooler, Go to the library and coal man's. Then to S.I. work over tables and getting pamphlets ready for building. Home evening read and work over review

Wednesday Oct. 30
Morning go to Moses', coal mans Maier's & tailors. Then