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finish address. Read.

Thursday Nov. 28 / 95
Morning read and go over to S.I. attend to mail and work on bibliography. Get out Pyramidellidae for Charter. Home calling on mother enroute. Have Mrs. Lauder and Mr. Bailey Willis and their children to take Thanksgiving dinner with us.

Friday, Nov. 29th
Morning fair. Go to coal dealer's and to S.I. work over mail, exchanges and sundries. Home, evening. Go to meeting of Geographic Society Baker speaks on the Alaskan Boundary.

Saturday, Nov. 30
Morning cloudy. Go to office, see Darwin and Becker, then to Treasury bank, gas office & S.I. Mr. Bryant Walker comes in. Write letters see Goode about new arrangement. Home, evening go to Biological Society meeting. Walk up with Merriam.

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see Miss Parker, then to mothers and home. P.M. Call on the Merriams & find the Bakers out. Evening read & work over Gronovius.

Monday, Nov. 4 / 95
Morning go to plumbers, Pillings and gas office, pay bill at library then to S.I. work over Gronovius & files. Home work over review.

Tuesday, Nov. 5th
Morning, get a letter from Josiah enclosing a check in relief of our financial stringency, most generous and affectionate. Go to bank & office, see Becker and Baker then get shoes and go to S.I. Chas. Wendte calls. Work over mail. Home. The aunts arrive. Go down to hear the election returns in the evening.