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R. S. McCook dines with us Evening read and work on my address.

Thursday Nov. 21 / 95
Day colder & windy. Go to S.I. work over Hills fossils and mail. Home, evening read and work on address. Nettie has friends to play whist in the evening.

Friday Nov. 22
Morning fair. Go to [[strikethrough]] S.I. [[/strikethrough]] office see Hill Diller, and Willis, then to S.I. work over Hill's fossils, and routine matters. Capts Hays and Hansen come in. Home, evening read & work on bibliography for address.

Saturday Nov. 23
Morning fair. Go to Moses' & Franklin's then to S.I. See Capt. Hansen and work on bibliography & finish Hill's Report. Home

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Saturday, Nov. 9 / 95
Morning very muggy. Go to Beveridges and S.I. work over Jeffreys labels and mailing list. Home. Go to Phil. Society in the evening and walk home with Major Powell.

Sunday Nov. 10th
Morning, go to the Doctors and to mothers, Home, in afternoon call on Mrs. Stanley-Brown evening read & work on clippings

Monday Nov. 11th
Morning, go to S.I. work over Jeffreys material and mail. Also on files. Home, evening read & go to the Comstocks for Nettie

Tuesday Nov. 12
Morning, go to coal dealer and to S.I. See Carpenter, write letters work on files. Home, P.M. go with Nettie to Nat. Mus. to them D.G. Eliott & Coues lecture