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Calc. .31 .44 .63 .90 1.3 1.8 2.6 3.7 8.70 
Found .35 .45 .6 .9 1.25
4 Eggs laid by [[underlined]] [[female symbol]] Arctia parthenice [[/underlined]] at Plattsburgh, NY night Aug 27-8, 1893
Laid loose, rounded conoidal, shiny pearly yellowish white: diam .9m 
Basal end a little concave.
[[overwritten]] 1 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] Hatched night [[/underline]] Sept 9-10 Hd undate black. Body normal, pale, c-ch & warts black. Warts large, giving appearance of dark gray larva. Hairs single stiff rather long, dark. Qr. hd. [[insertion]] sh hd .35 [[/insertion]] mm.
[[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] Molt Sept 15 [[/underlined]]  Head bilobed black, clypeus large, paler w. [[insertion]] (sh hd .45) [[/insertion]] mm Body light brown warts black, hair black becoming pale s-v. Hair stiff, not long, thin but several from a wart. Appearance of pale hd & d lines between warts.
[[overwritten]] 3 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] Molt Sept 21 [[/underlined]] Hd well bilobed, sutures deep clypeus large, w, very shiny black

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[[start page]]

labrum pale, reddish. [[insertion]] (M. hd .6) [[/insertion]] w. 6? mm. Body cinnamon brown with a warm even d. line only a shade pale. Warts large, black, [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] connected by a blade s-d shade. Vents pale. Hair bristly, black, a few of the post. ones longer but concolorous.
[[overwritten]] 4 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] Molt Sept 29 [[/underlined]] Hd shiny black with short setae. w [[insertion] (Sh hd .9) [[/insertion]] mm body black, the [[ski?]] paler laterally, especially around bases of warts. Hair large black. Hair very dense, bristly, jet black, spineless, the few very posterior hairs less bristly and pale. Contrasts in color with last stigs.
[[overwritten]] 5 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] Molt Oct 10 [[/underlined]] New hd 1.4. [[insertion]] (Sh hd 1.25) [[/insertion]] bilobed shiny black. Body blackish brown, darker than in the previous stage, the warts shiny black, granular. The feet

Transcription Notes:
This page seems to record observations of the 4 eggs & what hatched out of it, over a certain period - the stages numbered rather hurriedly are the underlined portions with serial numbers on them.