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black, abd - blackish, pale at tip.
Hair bristly, short but dense, spinulated pointed, very black, a few large ones post. also black. No marks on body but the lines of warts give a faint appearance of pale lines between them. 
[3 hybernated in stage IV, on in stage V]
(Put the 3 little ones on ice Oct 21, 1893)
Kept the big one warm & [[overwritten]] 6 [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] molt Oct 25 [[/underlined]] Hd slightly bilobed, shiny black above labrum pale line w. 1.7 [[plus or minus symbol]] mm Body blackish, more brownish laterally, warts [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] shiny black, the others with black granulations. Feet concolorous Hair bristly, spinulose black as also the few long post. hairs. No marks

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Cerura on [[underlined]] willow [[/underlined]], Plattsburgh Aug 28, 1893 Like [[underlined]] borealis [[/underlined]], but taken for its food plant. Hd rounded quadrate, sutures deep, blackish brown with faint yellow dots, paler around mouth: w. 1.5 mm. Blunt thick spinous s-d horn on 2. Setae from distant tubercle (normal, [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] post. sub stig) very stiff & spiny from [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]], more hair like s-v with some on legs. 
Tails rather densely short - stiff - spinose Greenish yellow, d - hard blackish brown, nearly divided 4, stig 8, constricted between 11 & 12, [[scarcely?]] mottled & not bordered, tubercles all dark, 3 post [[underlined]] slightly [[/underlined]] elevated. Tails dark. reddish at base, twice annulate yellow Length tails 4.5 mm (stage before hd 1.1 similar]
dead   (see 511)