Viewing page 15 of 35

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.


2 egg laid by [[female symbol]] Tolype [[strikethrough]] velleda [[/strikethrough]] laricis, Plattsburgh
Aug. 28.  Smooth, slightly shiny brown, shagreened. Elliptical, not flattened
1.5 X 1.0 x .9 mm (see 633)

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[[start page]]

[[text on page partially obscured by loose leaf notes]] 

a darker shade. a brown black d band, narrowing out & disappearing on 8-10 but distinct again post. Tho. feet dark a faint white stigmatal line. [[blue checkmark]] [[black checkmark]] 

Transcription Notes:
Transcriptions of the loose leaf notes and the page underneath follows in this project. In previous projects TC has recommended transcribing that text in the image that isn't obscured so have edited ensuring that text in both image pages (15 and 19) are the same -@siobhanleachman