Viewing page 22 of 35

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Calc .28 .44 .71 1.12 1.79 2.84 4.5 rat .63
Found [[blue check mark]] .4+/- [[blue check mark]] .7 [[blue check mark]] 1.2± [[blue check mark]] 1.8 3. 4.5±
412 [G.H.H. kept]
[[blue strikethrough]] Acronycta on elm, Plattsburgh, Sept 1. Hd large, held out flat, sutures deep black, shagreened, apices of lobes red tipped, clypeus with broad greenish white [[image - angle]]-mark & central line. Labrum & base of antennae white. W. 4 ± mm A [[image - diamond]]-shaped dorsal enlargement on 5, 8 & 12, bearing [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] at the corners Light olive gray, side tubercles whitish A d. & lat. olive brown shaded band the lat. defined by blackish marks stigmatally. [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] small, [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] large, stig post, other normal. D band divided by a whitish line, the humps olive brown outlined in black. Hairs thin white, very scant, almost absent d., longer s-v. but many short stiff white setae arise from minute tubercles on the skin, surrounded by white spots. [[/blue strikethrough]]
=A. morula
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Others Sept 18 1894 Plattsb. Red line absent or only [[connecting?]] warts V. Hair [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] on 3-5 and 12 brown or reddish tinted. Warts [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] white or black
[[blue strikethrough]] 413 [G.H.H. kept]
or hair brown tinted as far as 9.
Acronycta on poplar & willow. Sept 4.
[[text obscured by loose pages]]
N.Y. June 20-21 1894, also on white birch June 25

Transcription Notes:
These are the same pages as shown in image 33 of this transcription series; I've ensured that both transcriptions match. -@mnathan