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[[underlined]] Blue Book [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] 451 [[/underlined]]

Eggs of [[underlined]] Hyparpax aurora [[/underlined]] on oak from Mr J Doll recd June 22, 1894. Nearly spherical but with flattened base slightly shiny, covered with narrow regularly hexagonal reticulation which become smaller at micropyle and faint, with minute matter at the junction (use higher power) d 1.9mm

[[underlined]] Hatched [[overwrite]] I [[/overwrite]] June 23 [[/underlined]] Hd rounded, a little bulging at ocelli and vertex of each lobe, pale brown shiny. w. Bases of i enlarged, forming slight bumps in 5 and 12, setae long pale glandular with drops at tip. Body translucent yellowish feet all dark red brown the anal ones elevated. Most of lateral area and the whole of 5, 8 and 12 red brown setae with large chitinous brownish bases, i on ant of its fleshy enlargement., normal, iv post s-s v ant, (vi absent), [[chitinous?]] leg plate

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[[Pink?]] near edge but go on rib to molt
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwrite]] II [[/overwrite]] June 26 [[/underlined]] Hd as in [[underlined]] ipomoeae [[/underlined]] ^ [[insertion]] a tubercle at vertex of each lobe [[/insertion]] (BB 398 II) the bands broad, rather light brown, reducing the ground to rounded spots. Tubercle i as in [[underlined]] ipomoeae [[/underlined]], mostly with furcate tips, but only one limb bears a seta; ii [[scarcely?]] enlarged, other normal. vi present, s-v [[post?]], about 8 setae on leg plate, i on ^[[insertion]] 2 [[/insertion]] 5, 7 (9-10 small) and 12 black; on 3, 4, 6, 8 11 & 13 yellow, the color extending onto these segs., esp. s-d but laterally on 11 & 13. The rest purplish brown finely mottled with paler. Bases of the feet and foot on 7 dark; the [[feet?]] and feet 8-10 on 3 very pale. Tubercles iv and v pale except on 5 and 7. Setae brown glandular. Anal feet elevated 
Towards end of stage the d. region becomes darker than the lateral [[forming?]] a band widening on 5, 7, 9-10 and 12. Sides of 2-4 dotted with bright white Tips of anal feet yellow.

Transcription Notes:
Word that looks like "past" is likely "post", as in "posterior". -mnathan ^[[text]] markup is used by the TC to indicated written text in typed pages. I've therefore edited to be consistent with previous pages & added in [[insertion]] markup instead. -@siobhanleachman Something I noticed about the [[?]] on the right page. The 'tips' on the bottom line, makes me wonder if the start of [[?]] on the end of the line 8 lines up, is a 'Ti' to start, but the second line down 'Molt' looks just like it, too. - GigglePop