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green on 2-4. On 2-3 a d. purple brown band, white dotted, bordered with yellow. On 5 a white s-d band [[marked?]] with fine irregular purple brown lines begin at [[?]] i, loops up to i on 12 and [[?]] to anal [[?]]. The d. [[space?]] [[thin?]] [[?]] is [[?]] dark yellowish [[?]] green dotted with white with [[?]] white d. [[line?]] [[underneath?]]. i on 6 is marked by a little white patch and [[?]] is a [[image - triangle]] enlargement. Sd line on 8 anal feet pale outwardly, [[not?]] used. Slender, gently divergent [Picked up one [[and?]] one side of [[its?]] [[?]] became wet giving a strong odor of HCl] Some do not lose all the d [[?]] which remain in varying patches [[Turned?]] [[bluish?]] to J July 22-24