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[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] VII [[/overwritten]] Aug 4 [[/underlined]] Besides the long black pencils at 5 and 12 there is a row of short ones from i on 6-11 not longer than the other hair. Other hair 5-12 yellow, paler s-v. On 2-4 and 13 nearly white, mixed with a few black ones. Warts normal iv small, stig post. Body black, a distinct white s-d and substig. white band [[insertion]] ^ obsolete at ends [[/insertion]] (crossing ii and v). Warts black, feet rather pale. hair barbuled 
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] VIII [[/overwritten]] Aug 18 [[/underlined]] Same as before. The hair at the ends appears gray, being black and white about equally mixed. (Sh) hd 2.0 mm. 1.9 
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] IX [[/overwritten]] Sept 1 [[/underlined]] Hd shiny black, [[arrow pointing to next page]]  labrum pale Body black with s-d & s-s white bands as before. D. tufts 5-12 nearly all same length Those 5 & 12 only a little longer, the others being relatively longer than before ^ [[insertion]] and longer than the other hair. [[/insertion]] Hair i & ii except the tufts 5-12 yellow; all the rest gray (black and white mixed) 

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the s-v hair not yellow as before [[insertion]] Sh. hd 2.25 [[/insertion]]
[[arrow from previous page]] shading into vinous red on the post. part of the lobes on sides and above
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] X [[/overwritten]] Sept 19 [[/underlined]] Hd 2.4 ± Same red on hd a little more extensive; ant. post and s-v hairs darker, largely black.
[[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] XI [[/overwritten]] Oct 12 [[/underlined]] Hd 2.5 ± as before Hd red behind black in front.