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[[underlined]] Smerinthus ocellatus [[/underlined]] eggs from Dr. Chapman, England. Egg elliptical flattened above and below (see alcohol)
[[underlined]] Hatched June 22 [[/underlined]] Pale greenish with red horn thickly covered with minute pile with furcate tips (see alcohol) Hd rounded pale green with a yellowish line each side to vertex ocelli black. Body becomes yellowish green thickly dotted with yellowish white on the 8 annulets and forming a s-d line distinct ant. but faint on abd segs, replaced by the 2 oblique lateral lines which almost meet dorsally. Horn red, pilose. The feet & palps pale with reddish tips. Hd 9 ± horn 1 mm
[[underlined]] Molt June 25 [[/underlined]] Hd high pointed above terminating in 2 contiguous ^ [[insertion]] red [[/insertion]] tubercles from which a pale line runs down the angles, green covered ant white granulation ocelli black w. 1.2 ± 

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Body green, covered with white granules with pale s-d and oblique lateral lines also granular. Horn wine red except at base. Under 1/2 in each conical granulation bears a transparent Y shaped seta but those on hd have no Y but swollen ends
[[underlined]] Molt June 29 [[/underlined]] Hd same vertical line pale yellow. S-d lines confined to thorax, the granulation on it and its oblique lines longer than those elsewhere making these white lines also raised. Each conical white tubercle still bears a Y shaped seta but small and the limbs short. those on the densely granular horn also Ys but not on the head
[[underlined]] Molt July 4 [[/underlined]] Hd same, line yellow width of one granulation. Tubercles at apex red. Body same, horn concolorous, all green shading whitish on the back, hues whitish. Granulation ^ [[insertion]] large [[/insertion]] conical