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[[underlined]] VI Molt July 17 [[/underlined]] Like mature larva width of head 3 mm ± Later hairs all fleshy brown except ^ [[insertion]] stig and [[/insertion]] S-V when yellowish. Body all black, except on folds where the hair is very thick and then pale yellow. No continuous yellow S-S band. [[strikethrough]] Evidently this is the "[[big?]] brown alder [[one?]]" and [[/strikethrough]] only a variety of 414) [[insertion]] NO See BB77 [[/insertion]] A narrow faint d line of yellowish hairs (3.6) [[underlined]] VII Molt July 24 [[/underlined]] See 814. The pencils are relatively smaller and shorter than before. W. hd. 5 mm + [[But?]] body all black. Brown d. hair extend down the [[neck?]] spiracles S-V pale yellowish [[underlined]] Went down [[/underlined]] Aug 5 [[underlined]] Imago June 23 1895 [[/underlined]] A. dactylina Cat. no. 11579 [[underlined]] =dactylina [[/underlined]] [[by?]] desc. Edw. & Elliot [[end page]] [[start page]] 464 [[underlined]] Papilio turnus [[/underlined]], hatched from eggs [[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[underlined]] Ant. [[/underlined]] on hop and ash Keene Valley, NY. June 29, 1894 Tubercles converted into warts, ii and iii with distinct bases, each with several glandular setae. iv and v is line sub-stigmatal on extra long one above them, but this is absent on joint 12. vi present, [[two?]] setae and a third post, or 3 ant and 1 post. Many setae on leg.
Transcription Notes:
Blue scribble drawn vertically across text on the first page.