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Egg laid singly under the [[lrie?]] on the bark. white (see shell in alcohol)

[[image - pencil sketch of portion of insect]]
[[image label]] [[underlined]] ant [[/underlined]] [[/image label]] Hatched July 12 1894 white Hd tho. feet  c-sh, anal plate and tubercles black setae brownish barbuled the primary ones long; secondary much shorter with smaller tubercles. A curves little [[?]] resembling a spinacle situated s-d below tubercle i.

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Two eggs on back of [[insertion]] white [[/insertion]] birch, pale gree skinny [[insertion]] ^ more there [[/insertion]] hemispherical with a slightly elevated ring around [[runciopylei?]] base flat; w. 1 mm height .65 mm 
Reticulation flat and narrow the cells rather broad, becoming small at [[microphyle?]] the [[ring?]] whitish (vacuolated?) [use higher power] July 4 1894 (died)