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^[[ Ans 8/25/24 ]]
[[stamped]] AUG 14 1924 [[/stamped]]

Danby W: Aug 12th
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia Pa.

Gentlemen- For Prize Contest-

I take great pleasure in Writing this letter, Wheather I Ricv. a prize or not.  Your seeds have done more for me than [[underlined]]all other [[/underlined]] seeds.  I have given five other grower's seeds just as good a chance as I have yours, But I did not make up my minde until last season, Wheather it was myself, the location, soil or the seeds, Now I know it is the [[underlined]] seeds.[[/underlined]] As I have no others this year but [[underlined]] Burpees [[/underlined]]. My farm is in Otter Creek