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[[stamped]]AUG 11 1924[[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

"For Prize Contest"
W. T Hetrick

"What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me."

During the months of May and June each year I sell thousands of vegetable plants which I raise from Burpee's seeds.

My career as "Hetrick - The Plant Man" as I am familiarly called, began about fifteen years ago. Then I bought a few packets of seeds from "Burpee" and raised plants in boxes in a sunny window of my house. The seeds seemed to all germinate and grow and I shared the plants with my neighbors and friends. 

This gave me an idea and I made a hot-bed and the following year I raised a few plants for sale. It proved to be a profitable undertaking as each succeeding year my sale of plants has increased and it now takes twenty hot beds and cold frames each averageing 6 x 9 ft.