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[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 [[/stamped]] 
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

"For Prize Contest" 

"What Burpees Seeds Have Done for me"

In the early spring of 1923 I sent an order for Burpee Zinnias Giant White, Giant ^[[canary]] Yellow, Giant Rose, Giant Scarlet, Giant Flush Pink, ^[[and]] Giant Purple. They made such a wonderful showing that many of my friends were anxious to have some next summer, so I saved a keg of loose seed and gave to my friends for Christmas presents These seed have made a great bright spot for miles and miles around the towns of Josephine and [[?]]

How I prepared the bed was first just south of house and two Apricot trees was what I called a weed bed. When the garden was being broke. My husband with old Sam (mule) broke this weed bed.- (over)