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[[stamped]] Aug 11 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]  

For Prize Contest

W. Atlee Burpee Company
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gentelmen: -

What have Burpee's Seeds done for me?

My first thought was "They gave me Spencer Sweet Peas"; the next,"Yes, and Golden Bantam Corn from the very year of its introduction."  Then I recollected the summer's pleasure a twenty-five cent collection of nasturtiums gave me in my childhood.

Recalling the gardens of past years and my various experiments, successful and otherwise, therein; I concluded that, beyond all tangible benefits - beautiful gardens, bountiful crops, dollars saved and earned - [[underline]]the finest thing Burpee's Seeds have done for me is to inspire me with the Burpee pioneer spirit [[/underline]], the love of experiment and research, without which gardening must in time become monotonous drudgery.

So my first intuitive response really signified the deeper meaning of Burpee's Seeds to me.  Spencer Sweet Peas