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Fees for Money Orders drawn on Domestic Form

Payable in the United States, including Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Virgin Islands, U.S. (late Danish West Indies), or in its possessions, embracing the Canal Zone, Guam, the Philippine Islands, and Tutuila (Samoa), or at the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China); also for orders payable in Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Canada, Cuba, and Newfoundland, and the following islands in the West Indies: Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Greneda, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, and Virgin Islands (British).

For Orders
From $0.01 to $2.50.......3 cents.
From $2.51 to $5.00.......5 cents.
From $5.01 to $10.00......8 cents.
From $10.01 to $20.00....10 cents.
From $20.01 to $30.00....12 cents.
From $30.01 to $40.00....15 cents.
From $40.01 to $50.00....18 cents.
From $50.01 to $60.00....20 cents.
From $60.01 to $75.00....25 cents.
From $75.01 to $100.00...30 cents.
Memoranda of Issuing Postmaster:

NOTE.- The maximum amount for which a single Money Order may be issued is $100. When a larger sum is to be sent additional Orders must be obtained. Any number of Orders may be drawn on any Money Order office on any one day.
Applications must be preserved at the office of issue for three years from date of issue.

(EDITION FEB., 1920.)        c5-7155