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If you have been moved by this factual and documented story of the "cruel and unusual punishment" to which Henry Winston has been subjected, we appeal to you to join with the many thousands of other public - spirited citizens whom in the name of simple humanity, have urged immediate executive clemency or medical parole for Henry Winston. Even if you have written or wired before, we urged you to act again.

Please write to:

. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
White House, Washington, D.C.

Please send copies of your letters to:

. Mr. Cyril Philip, Chairman
  Harlem Committee to Free Henry Winston
  2349 Eighth Avenue, New York 27, N.Y.

[[following text enclosed in rectangular box]]

All financial contributions will be used only to further the campaign for the freedom of Henry Winston. Please send checks, cash or money orders to Mr. Cyril Philip at the above address.