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I saw a middle-aged woman belabored by a club-wielding policeman until she fell unconscious to the ground. He then grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the nearest garbage truck where he hoisted her
to his shoulders and dumped her in as though he were handling a sack of potatoes.

I saw the wife of a paraplegic veteran of the Korean War beaten to the ground, then battered by the clubs of three policemen before being bodily lifted and thrown into a garbage truck. Her only offense had been that she had not pushed her wheel-chair-ridden husband fast enough in the direction that the police had demanded.

The Negro demonstrators retreated before the wild charge of the police who were cursing like maniacs and letting out frenzied Confederate army "Rebel yells."

The dogs arrived and were given full freedom of the length of their leases. One opened a long gash on the leg of a woman whose dress had
been already half-torn from her body and who was leaningpeaceful coexistence between against a door sill, trying to wipe the blood and dust from her eyes, when the dog lunged

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upon her.


A distance of several yards had opened between the police phalanx and the demonstrators when, from the roofs and the sides of the buildings came volley after volley of "Coke" bottles and rocks which shattered
on the pavement, or caromed off of the steel helmets of the police barbarians. Some dropped their rifles as they fled for cover. Others cursed and some screamed in pain.

But now, from the bottom of Farish street came a second phalanx of police. The demonstrators retreated into nearby houses and some stores and blended into the sidewalk crowds.

The police grappled with, and beat, and dragged scores of people off the porches, out of windows, off of the sidewalks, until the garbage trucks had their cargoes, and the canvass-covered army transport vehicles were crowded.

 The heroic demonstrators were transported to the newly improvised
concentration camp which has been pressed into service; the jails have been long-since filled with the victims of the rampant racist reign of terror here.