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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
13615631Sun Spots01 42Mar 30 1905x 15631 Usual apparatus. 1" aperture. Transparency plate.
13615632DC 692915 06.5-19.414 290 37 E-11.615 29Mar 30 1905
13615633RV Lyrae19 12+32.215 393 33 E+32.217 30Mar 30 1905x 15633 Var. Star apparatus "0" end precedes, first image next plate No. 10m signals. N 14 50 51-53 first long. 15 00 52-54 movement moved. R.A. First exposure interfered with some by shutter. Wt run out. R.A. 2 02 E. N is 7s slow. 17 52.