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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1616241DC 924620 44+36.122 231 39 W+43.923 39Nov 27 1905
1616242DC 991422 42-14.623 441 00 W-6.800 49 ?Nov 27 1905x 16242 Set telescope to bring brightest star of field to center.
1616243DC 964622 04-28.801 002 56 *-21.002 00Nov 27 1905x 16243 Clock working poorly at close. 16243 * We Assume HA to have been west but plate is not identified. No star on it.
1616244DC 7981 22+44.902 130 51 *+52.702 54Nov 27 190516244 * We assume HA to have been west. Assumption Correct. L.
16Nov 27 1905C 16245 Was this plate taken? If not please line out as it will make an error, in the numbering of the plates following.