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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
11416381DC 29985 15-27.505 520 37 W-79.506 58Feb 17 1906
11416382L7 23.3+21.107 250 02 W+21.107 35Feb 17 1906
11416383L7 23*+21.107 370 14 W+21.107 57Feb 17 1906* 16383 Slightly wrong dec. Plate has centre at about +20.1. Does not cover intended declination.
11416384ΞΆ Urs Maj13 20+55.408 234 57 E+47.610 21Feb 17 1906
11416385LDC 605912 11+15.512 510 50 W *a+23.313 51Feb 17 1906*a C 16385 Recorded time of starting = 12 51 Recorded Higher Angle = 0 50 West. 12 01. Intended RA 12h 11m. Probably mistake made in computing H.A. W.W.S. Wrong region probably taken. Nothing on plate worth identifying.
11416386LDC 615112 25+58.914 001 35 W+66.715 06Feb 17 1906x 16386 Frost on prism.