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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
416552DC 719515 57+30.114 051 52 E+22.315 02Jun 04 1906
416553DC 730216 21+14.215 260 55 E+6.416 32Jun 04 1906
416554DC 919320 33-1.417 492 44 E-9.218 58Jun 04 1906
416555DC 948921 37+5.219 061 54 E *-2.620 44Jun 04 1906x 16555 Obj. under dome at close. * 16555 Time starting 19 06 Recorded H.A. 1 54 E = 21 00. Intended R.A. 21 37.