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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3616600DC 725816 09-25.216 150 06 W-17.517 05Jul 13 1906
3616601DC 724316 07-8.317 121 05 W-0.517 34Jul 13 1906x 16601 At 18 02 found by entirely under dome. Moved Dome, Clock Running, poorly at close.
3616602DC 861919 09-25.520 191 10 W-17.721 23Jul 13 1906x 16602 Clock running poorly. H.A. 5m slow at close.
3616603DC 919320 33-1.521 361 03 W+6.322 44Jul 13 1906