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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
68Aug 26 1906Before beginning work with this telescope found that small armature of permanent magnet on clock pendulum and relay armature of control clock were out of adjustment. Tried to adjust but am doubtful if all is right yet.
6816651DC 723716 06+68.118 502 44 W+75.919 42Aug 26 1906
6816652DC 845418 50+22.519 501 50 W+30.320 37Aug 26 1906x 16652 Sector ran out at H.A. 1 27 W.
6816653DC 854318 59+46.820 461 47 W+54.421 38Aug 26 1906x 16653 Clouds 100 at close of plate.