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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
418144Mα Virginis14 000 40 W-2.414 16Jun 07 1910x 18144 [[Backed?]] Sigma plate. Tank filled with Chl. [[Diozide?]].
418144Mα Virginis14 1814 39Jun 07 1910x 18144 [[Backed?]] Sigma plate. Tank filled with Chl. [[Diozide?]]. 2nd exposure made without tank.
418145Mα Virginis14 5615 14Jun 07 1910x 18145 [[?]] 27. Chlor. [[Diozide?]]. Some of the gas blown out of tank.
418146Mα Virginis15 3115 47Jun 07 1910x 18146 Same as last. Gas more dilute.
418147Mα Virginis15 5616 12Jun 07 1910x 18147 Same as last. Gas more dilute than for Plate 18146. Raised South end of axis by 3/4 rev.
418148PPole16 560 00+90.018 09Jun 07 1910x 18148 Polar Adj. Plate Allowed to trail last 5m.