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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1019102MVega18 33.6+38.719 230 48 W+46.919 296Sep 12-13 1927Aperture 3, setting 3.
1019102MVega19 3219 386Sep 12-13 1927Aperture 5.
1019102MVega19 4119 476Sep 12-13 1927Aperture 7.
1019102Mη Aql19 47.4+0.719 570 11 W+9.120 2730Sep 12-13 1927Full aperture, setting 5.
1019102Mδ Cephei22 25.4+57.920 521 38 E+50.021 2230Sep 12-13 1927Full aperture, setting 7.5. Cloudy later half of night. F.S.H.