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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1419106Mζ Cass0 31.4+53.2101 070 35 W61.901 3831Sep 15-16 1927Exp. 1 : Ap. 1.
1419106Mζ Cass01 4202 1331Sep 15-16 1927Exp. 2 : Ap. 3.
1419107MField of ε Cass1 49.7+63.4002 230 32 W71.803 1543Sep 15-16 1927Exp. 1 : Ap. 3.
1419107MField of ε Cass03 1704 0750Sep 15-16 1927Exp. 2 : Ap. 1.
14Sep 15-16 1927Dawn. 5:20 E.D.S.T. approx.