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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
219597PPole12 286 00+9013 1042Apr 24-25 1928x 19597 Telescope above pier; Hinge up.
219598MRGC 350613 31+4.013 200 10 E+12.314 0242Apr 24-25 1928
219599Mδ Virg12 52+3.614 141 20 W+11.715 1460Apr 24-25 1928
219600Mδ Oph16 10-3.515 290 41 E-11.316 4980Apr 24-25 1928
219601MR Lyrae18 53+43.816 562 00 E+35.817 3640Apr 24-25 1928
219602Mα Herc17 11+14.517 390 25 W+22.517 5213Apr 24-25 1928
219602Mα Herc17 11+14.517 53+22.518 1522Apr 24-25 1928