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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1419618MPGC 350613 31+4.012 470 43 E+12.313 2235May 08-09 1928
1419618S Vir13 31-0.213 280 03 E+8.013 5325May 08-09 1928x 19618 Aperture 3.
1419619MPGC 363914 09+2.713 570 11 E+11.014 3134May 08-09 1928
1419619Mγ Boo14 30+38.614 400 11 W+46.815 1030May 08-09 1928x 19619 Aperture 3.