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National Museum 
Washington, D.C. July 1st 1882

No additional specimens have been entered in the Materia Medica Section during the month of June. The total number entered, up to date, is just 3000. Of these about 2500 have been put in bottles and made ready for permanent exhibition, more than 2000 of them being already arranged, in proper order, in the exhibition cases. About 100 articles from Schieffelin & Co., remain to be enclosed. 300 or more, mostly from South America are still in the original bottles in which they were received from the Bureau of Agriculture. The remaining 100 consist of woods and barks not liable to deterioration from exposure. 
Copy for about 425 labels has been turned in to the Assistant Director, to be printed. 
An alphabetical index of all the specimens entered, has been prepared.
A list of the Crude Drugs and Pharmaceutical Preparations to be found in 13 of the 17 National Pharmacopoeias, now in the possession of the Museum, has been compiled. When this list shall be complete, it is proposed to prepare an official synonamy of each drug, and for each preparation a tabular statement of the constituents and