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proportions directed by the various Pharmacopoeias. 
It is suggested that it may be worth the labor at some future time, to prepare a card catalogue of the specimens, with bibliographical references to such works on Materia Medica as are, or may be, in the Library of the Museum.
There are now on hand colored plates illustrating the great majority of the plants from which medicines are prepared. It remains to be determined how they can best be made available for purposes of general instruction. Plates illustrating the microscopical characters of drugs are yet to be obtained. 
A Pharmaceutical Herbarium is a desideratum for this Section. It is estimated that a collection containing 1000 specimens might be made to include all the medicinal plants of any considerable importance. 
There are other directions in which the Section of Materia Medica may be expanded. It is believed that an exhibition of the principal Mineral waters, and their constituents in proportional parts, would be interesting and instructive. The waters may be easily obtained, and the constituents, in proper proportions, according to the analysis of some admitted authority, could be put up at the Museum at very little expense for material.