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[[stamped]] AUG 4 1924 [[/stamped]] 
[[Ans 8/26/24]]

[[underlined]] For Prize Contest [[/underlined]]

What Burpee's seeds have done for me -

Two years ago my daughter at Yorkton, Sask. Canada. presented me with 12 packets of sweet Peas - also Asters & other seeds. Which I sowed & they came up splendidly & grew so well that they were admired by all who saw them.

Now as I am a lover of flowers & also keep a garden as a means of making a little on the side. I made up my mind this spring that I would try Burpee's seeds so sent for a Catalogue, which in due time came. Again I wanted to try your sweet Peas. After studying the Catalogue a great deal I decided to try
