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one evening. For about two weeks the stems averaged ten inches with three to four well placed blooms on a stem. Quite a few times there were five open on a single stem. I have really supplied this section of the town with them. Everyone tells me I have the most beautiful ones they have ever seen, especially the double ruffled ones. The coloring, size, and number of flowers on the "Florence Nightingale", Loyalty", "Dainty", "Jack Cornwell", "Royal Scot" and in fact all in the collection brought forth  exclamations from all who saw them.

as I am a teacher of biology I naturally love flowers. Spending my vacation studying both wild ones and working with tame ones makes me feel as well equipped to back to my work in the city as if I had spent the summer in school. Therefore I recommend to any one a summer with flowers or vegetables if they wish a true vacation. I also advise the use of Burpee's seed which not only germinates but produces healthy plants. The proof of which is my over forty feet of dense growth of sweet peas.

Very truly yours,
Vuna Faust