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[[stamped]] S 32677 [[/stamped]]

U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.
Feb. 6th 1884.

Professor S. F. Baird, 
Director of the Museum.


The Materia Medica Section has received and registered 148 specimens during the month of January, consisting principally of duplicates from the museum of the East India Company, London, which were sent to Dr. A. Gray by the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, and by him transferred to this collection. A few specimens have also been received from Messrs. Fritzeche Brothers, and from Messrs. E. Fougera & Co., of New York.

These have all been put up in bottles ready for exhibition. The work of preparing labels and compiling the Pharmacopeias is continued.

Copy for 400 labels has been turned over to the Asst. Director, to be printed.

Very respectfully,
J. M. Flint
Curator Materia Medica