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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 13 1924 [[/stamped]]


W.Atlee Burpee Co.

August 8, 1924 

Dear Sirs:-

Thank's to Burpee's seeds, I always have a wonderful garden, flowers and vegetables unlimited. I have the pleasure of watching a tiny seed become a large plant covered with bloom -the wonder of seeing on flat insignificant seed produce half a dozen huge Hubbards! The vegetable garden gives us fresh,sweet,clean food from radishes to the last golden corn-or later- and a cellarful besides.

But it is the flower seeds that give the joy forever. A wealth of color and prefume is mine to enjoy all through the growing season and in the winter my straw flowers and potted plants,saved form the garden, keep the house bright and the dining table cheerful. At this season too the new catalogue cheers us into the spring with promise of a still more beautiful garden just ahead. Burpee's seeds have given me all the flowers I want and oceans to give away. Thay have given me a wide knowledge of flowers, an interest in horticultural displays,and,incidentally, a surprising number- often the largest number- of first premiums annually in the amateur floral exhibit at our county fair.

I know Burpee's seeds; they [[underline]] do [[underline]] grow!

                       Faithfully yours,
                               ^[[Esther S. Smallwood]]

Mrs. Charles B.Smallwood
     Warsaw New York.