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For Prize Contest ^[[#4484]]
^[[Ans 8/27/24]]

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

     A stroll in the garden has put me in proper humour for this essay. But how to tell all in two hundred words is surely a problem.
     My Burpee benefits are threefold, pleasure, knowledge, profit. The first thrill of pleasure comes with your Annual, which leads the way in design arrangement, and information, insuring the fulfillment of the front-cover motto, even before the seeds are planted. The joy of planning our garden while the imagination pictures it at harvest-time is exceeded only when Burpee's seeds change our rosiest dreams to facts.
     Every year the Annual presents some new variety in a manner that says, "try this". Thus lifting us from the rut of always planting the same thing, and putting us ahead of our neighbours.
     For me, Burpee seeds produce better quality vegetables and flowers than those my friends get from other seeds, as these incidents will show. At a picnic a jar of Blue Bantam peas caused more comment than a ball game. While a great lover and judge of flowers declared she had seen nothing to equal a spray of Crusader snapdragon.
     Now you understand why I'm proud of my Burpee garden.

          Charles E. Davidson
             R.R. 1. Jarvis,