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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]

For Prize Contest

I have a plot of ground eighty four by one hundred feet on which there is a five room house and a garage.

A plot twenty five feet by fourty feet is planted in garden and the rest in lawn and flowers.

In my garden I have planted beans, corn, lettuce, onions, beets and tomatoes.  Around the lawn I have flower beds, and due to the abundence of both flowers and vegetables I have derived great pleasure in giving of both to my friends and neibors.

The General Superintendent of the Carnegie Steel Company of Duquesne has for several years given prizes for the best kept lawn and garden.

Out of six contests I won four prizes amounting to two hundred and seventy five dollars so that it has given me both pleasure and profit in working with my lawn and garden.

It makes me feel proud to know that in a city of twenty two thousand inhabitants I have been awarded prizes for having the best kept lawn and garden.

The large part of credit for this is due to "Burpee" sees which will grow and produce abundent crops if given proper care.

Yours for sure growing Seeds.

Robert E. Sickels,
#1114 Savey Street
Duquesne, Pa.